After Gunnar’s death in 2015 I put the website on hiatus for a while. I have finally taken time to go through the memorabilia he had remaining. Some of the items are familiar pictures that he signed at conventions. Gunnar did not leave many of these items pre-signed as he preferred to sign them to his fans while spending time with them. He loved the conventions and the interactions he had with so many wonderful people from different walks of life!

Gunnar had the foresight to have some very special items signed by the entire cast of TCM. They are the “numbered” envelopes and cast photos. Sadly so many are no longer with us and we miss them all so very much.

I hope you enjoy looking at some of Gunnar’s writing. I will be posting different pieces periodically. As many of you know, Gunnar published non-fiction books and wrote documentary films, magazine articles and even poetry!

Thank you for visiting!

Best Always,
Betty Tower